Removing Moles and Skin Tags

If you have a skin tag or a mole there is a remedy
that is not hard and the cost very minimal. Apple cider vinegar works wonders.

Apple cider vinegar is used in marinades and as a preservative but it also has health benefits. The best part about it is you can purchase this at the grocery store cheaply.

Skin Tag Remover

A skin tag is a small growth that protrudes from the body. It is skin colored and is most often found of on overweight people. It actually a harmless lesion as they are benign. While they are harmless you may find them embarrassing if they are on your face.

Using the vinegar is popular as it is painless in removing the skin tag. The vinegar destroys the tag while leaving the rest of the body alone.

When removing the skin tag wash the blemish with warm water and soap. Then dry the area thoroughly. Scratch the tag very gently do not let it bleed. Take a small piece of cotton that you have soaked in the vinegar squeezing the excess out. Place the piece of soaked cotton on the skin tag and secure it in place with a bandage. The next morning remove the cotton and rinse. You may need to repeat this for three to four days. The skin tag will darken as it dries out and then falls off.

At first, the vinegar could cause a stinging feeling. Do not worry this is normal. If there is any inflammation or it stays irritated you may want to call your doctor.

Skin Mole Removal

When you are ready to use apple cider vinegar to remove your moles there are several things that you need. These are:

1. Apple cider,
2. Bandages,
3. Cotton balls and,
4. Vaseline.

The first thing that you need to do is clean the area thoroughly and then dry it off. Apply the Vaseline to the area that is around your mole. Take the cotton ball and soak it in the vinegar. Squeeze the access vinegar out. Place the cotton ball on the mole and place a bandage over it. It takes about a week for the mole to dry up. The mole will naturally fall off so do not try to run it.

One other thing that makes apple cider vinegar a miracle is that it does not leave a scar. You will not even know that you had a skin mole or skin tag.


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